We believe that every person we connect with new employers will increase more people's career prospects as they contribute to the skills and further education sector.
We will play our part by providing staffing solutions with speed, that will increase quality within the sector, and to provide certainty for sustained employment.
Hiring good staff, for good providers is currently a challenge and the stakes have never been higher.
It is Further Education’s (FE) time to shine, and we cannot mess this up. You have a responsibility; either as a decision maker, Skills Coach, Compliance Manager, or whatever your role may be within the FE sector.
Public funds are available to reduce the skills gap and increase the workforce by delivering quality training, that will result in providers becoming Outstanding, or at a minimum, Good providers.
Our recruitment specialists only deal with the providers and candidates that are prepared to share our expectations for the sector.
The fundamental principles we apply to ensure success with the Skills & Further Education Sector
We have access to 89% of the further education sector labour market.
We have a response rate of 94% within 24 hours of promoting an opportunity. This means our clients are in control of when they want to appoint.
When we shortlist our Top 6 candidates, we are shortlisting the Top 6 from the top 89% of the market, compared to 40% of other recruitment businesses. You are guaranteed to receive the Top 15% of talent within FE.
When we shortlist, we shortlist as though we are recruiting for our own further education institution. We can do that with certainty as all of our recruitment specialists have formed part of Senior Leadership Teams within FE.